How to Handle the Worry of Motherhood - HARTS Bootees, how to handle worries and stress of motherhood, how to find peace as a mother, how to have peace and handle stress as a busy mom and a working mom

How to Handle the Worry of Motherhood

Motherhood, the biggest gift you’ll ever get to experience, is no walk in the park.  Every toothless grin comes with a sleepless night.  Every milestone achieved might be followed with some original toddler art on the wall.  Yikes!

With every cute snuggle, there might be a tiny hand smack to your face.  Each day brings endless joy but also constant to-do lists and tons of energy spent.

Ask any mom and they’ll tell you without hesitation that it’s all worth it.  And it is!  The good, the bad and the smelly — it's all part of motherhood.  And it all brings so much happiness and excitement.

While challenges do come and go in different forms, worry might work itself into your life.  Setting up a spot in your mind rent free (rude!), it can take away the joy of motherhood.

And while it might be tempting to be hard on yourself when feeling low, the truth is that there's absolutely no need for shame here.  It could feel like you’re one of those mothers who worry too much.  But the truth is that you’re battling something bigger.

Though not widely discussed, postpartum depression and anxiety affects about 1 in 8 mothers¹.  So if you’re overcoming the baby blues or dealing with anxiety about becoming a mother, know you’re not alone.

The good news?

With the right attention, this is very treatable.  If you feel like you may be looking at postpartum depression or anxiety, talk to your doctor or a therapist for help.

Paired with that essential step, the following anxiety relief techniques can help you maintain a worry-free motherhood.

Talk to Someone

The best thing you can do to not let the worries win is to air out what you’re feeling.   As mentioned before, talking to your doctor or seeing a therapist is the best first step.

Seeing a professional can feel a little awkward.  Afterall, isn’t the baby blues a normal thing?  Aren’t all good moms concerned about their baby’s eating and sleeping habits?

When it comes to caring for your mental health, there’s no overreacting.

A doctor or therapist will ask the right questions and assess where you’re at.  Their expert advice will give you the tools you need and resources on how to combat anxiety. 

Having a supportive and understanding community is also key.  An online group of moms or a weekly mom meet up are great places to share struggles and swap advice.  It’s also the best audience to share those adorable baby pictures and stories.

Feeling understood while in such a vulnerable place is so encouraging.  Plus, having mom friends who have been where you are now gives you a peek into the future.  Spoiler - as your toddler and super mom powers grow, it all gets easier!

Your mom crew can help you with everyday questions like how to find the best baby shoes?  Or more complex stages like breastfeeding and sleep training.

Join a community that will cheer you on and be listening and no judgment ears at the ready.

Write Daily Affirmations

Anxiety, the pesky liar that it is, will do everything possible to hijack your thoughts.  Seriously, what a pain.  As if your plate wasn’t full enough, now mixed in with everything else are these untruths that you might get tricked into seeing as fact.

Each day take a few moments to pause and actively write out 10 positive affirmations about yourself.  This may seem silly, but it’s a proven way to reroute negative thoughts and insert positive ones.

Studies show that the brain actually creates a little (but mighty) self esteem army when regular positive affirmations and moments of reflection are in play².

Guilty about using formula?  An affirmation to combat is “I’m giving my child the nourishment they need!”

Think you have a case of anxious mother syndrome?  Your affirmation can be something like, “I trust my mothering instincts and refuse to waste energy second guessing myself. ”

Set a daily alarm and really stick with it.  Like tending to a garden, it takes time to maintain a better headspace.  Actively sweeping out uninvited negative thoughts help keep your mind clear and your energy preserved.

Now, let’s see that list of awesome things about you!

Give it to God

Between sleep deprivation, an increase in daily chores and the added everyday concerns that circle around us, it’s no wonder things begin to feel intense.

Adjusting to motherhood at every stage requires so much patience and energy.  There might be times when you’ll think you just can’t juggle everything.

A big misconception about motherhood is that worry equals love.  So sometimes it can actually feel comfortable to be uncomfortable in a state of worry.  Almost like that's the proper place to be.

The truth is, worry isn’t healthy no matter how honest a place it comes from.

So much of your day is spent picking up the toys and toddler shoes and socks and folding laundry (and the list goes on!).

A quick devotional will change everything.

Be comforted knowing that you can actually trade those uncertain feelings for peace.  And with peace, comes renewed energy to continue on.

Journaling out your thoughts, praying and reading scripture all fill the places in your mind that get wrapped up in the worry of mom life.

Giving yourself this daily time of much needed sunshine and water helps you grow in the best way.  Not just as a mother, but as a wife, friend, sister, etc.

Letting go of worry is step one, and inviting God into that space seals the deal.

Cheers to the freedom of a worry-free motherhood!

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